Tutorial: Use Template

Templates allow you to define recurring containers once and simply insert them into the layout later. If the template is changed, it changes on all pages. This makes it easy to edit headers and footers.

Create a template

Go to the submenu item from pages

Go to the submenu item from pages (1) in the menu.

Open the Template Editor

Go to the Templates submenu item (2) and open the Template Editor.

Create a new template

A button appears in the upper left corner that says "New" (3). Click on it and create a new template.

Choose a title for your template

  1. Choose a title for your template
  2. Save Template

Edit Template Content

Edit Template Content

  1. Edit Template Content

Choose a suitable container

  1. Choose a suitable container for your application and place it
  2. Then go to the editing area

Edit Template Content

  1. For example, choose a background image
  2. Place a text box and write your headline

Template Usage

Template Usage

  1. Open Dropdown list
  2. Select appropriate template
  3. Insert Template

Edit inserted template

  1. Template is inserted
  2. Template can be edited and placed individually