Tutorial: First page

Create a new page

Go to the Pages menu item in the menu and open the Page Editor.

Go to the Pages menu item (1) in the menu and open the Page Editor.

Create new page

A button appears in the upper left corner that says "New" (2). Click on it and create a new page.

Configure page settings

  1. Choose the title for your page
  2. Set the size of your screen
  3. In the permissions you can define who can see the page or who can interact with it
  4. Edit Alarm
  5. Save your settings and create the page

When you open the page for the first time you are in the layout mode, where there are the following different containers with which you can create a layout.

Resizable Container

The elements of these containers can be freely positioned. Furthermore, at the position always behave the same and the size of the elements are adjusted in percentage to the ratio of the container.

Flexible Container

The elements of these containers cannot be positioned freely. They can be positioned using the special functions in the inline editor. The positions are adjusted and the size of the elements is calculated as a percentage of the ratio of the container.

Static Container

The elements of this container can be positioned pixel exactly. Furthermore, these elements will then always remain at this position and the size will not be calculated.

Create a layout

  1. Save your page here
  2. Here you can discard your changes
  3. Current Layout Edit Mode
  4. Content Edit Mode
  5. Here you can see a preview in different formats of you page
  6. Here you can insert created templates
  7. Resizable Container
  8. Flexible Container
  9. Static Container

Content Editing Mode

In the Content Editing Mode you can design the page as you wish. You can insert text blocks and images, but also insert buttons and connect it to a PLC.

Content Editing Mode

  1. Here you can see a preview in different formats of you page
  2. The toolbar appears, when you click inside a container