Tutorial: First Connection

Create connection

Create a new connection in eDESIGN.

Open the connection editor

Go to the Connections menu item in the menu (1) and open the connection editor.

Create a new connection

A button appears in the upper left corner that says "New" (2). Click on it and create a new connection.

Configure connection

Configure connection

  1. Set a unique name for the connection
  2. Address of the controller or hoster
  3. www = Hoster,
    PLC = control,
    Local virtual PLC = CODESYS Control Win

Configure connection

  1. Active port of the connection
  2. Websocket connection to PLC, OPC UA
  3. Off: no active reconnection,
    On: active reconnection
  4. Name assigned in the CODESYS project
  5. Password that was assigned in the CODESYS project
  6. This is not required for CODESYS Control Win
  7. Create Connection