
It is possible to realize translations easily and comfortably with eDESGIN. This section will give you an insight how to use and configure the translations.

Select languages

  1. Go to the Settings menu item in the menu
  2. Select languages

Add languages

  1. First we look at how to add other languages

Edit translations

  1. You can add new countries for your translation
  2. Download the translation
  3. You can upload files for translation


To allow as many users as possible to interact with your interface, it helps to offer one or two translations for your site as a choice.

To allow as many users as possible to interact with your interface, it helps to offer one or two translations for your site as a choice.

  1. Now we look at how to translate texts

add a new translation text

  1. Here you can add a new translation text
  2. You can export all translations as an Excel sheet
  3. Or of course import an excel sheet

edit translation

  1. The best is to use a text section to find it later again
  2. For translations use group "Customer"
  3. Here you can paste the english translated text
  4. Here the german translated text
  5. Make sure you copy the label and press the "Save" button

use translation

  1. Use these brackets and insert the label between them