Setting Up Your eDESIGN Environment

This guide will walk you through installing eDESIGN for different WAGO device firmware versions.

WAGO Device Firmware v25 or v26

For these firmware versions, eDESIGN version 3 comes pre-packaged in a Docker container. To get started, you'll need Docker installed. Follow the instructions on the ELREST GmbH website:

WAGO Device Firmware v18 - v23

  1. First download eDesignIDE.exe file and run it. After execution a new folder C:eDesign will be created.

  2. Download eDesignWWW.exe and run it. After running it, the following dialog will be shown:
    Replace 'eDesign' by the name of your projec
    The project name can be assigned here. This name will be used later in the link.
    eDesign is the name in the example.

  3. Run the xampp-control.exe file to start the web server (location: C:eDesignenvxamppxampp-control.exe).
    Start Xampp Apache
    Xampp Apache has started

  4. Launch your web browser, Chrome or Firefox is recommended (Edge is not fully supported), and open the link http://localhost:88/nameofyourproject.

  5. If the installation was successful, the following page should appear:
    Installation was successful