General Settings

Here you can customize the toolbar and the menubar in the frontend according to your wishes.

Select General Settings

  1. Go to the Settings menu item in the menu
  2. Select General Settings

edit settings

  1. Side navigation size in pixel
  2. Set a language switch on your toolbar
  3. Should the site navigation be fixed at the edge of the page?
  4. Do you want to fix the toolbar at the top?
  5. Determine if you can log in via the toolbar
  6. Should the page navigation be accessed from the toolbar?
  7. Show the current date on the toolbar
  8. Set your logo or custom text for the toolbar
  9. You can switch between themes from the toolbar
  10. It navigates you to the documentation page
  11. You can have a search for key words option
  12. Here you can paste your license key
  13. If there should be a gap between the containers
  14. By how much an element moves relatively in the container
  15. Should the menu be visible when the page is called?
  16. Set a title of the page
  17. Save your settings