First Steps in WDX

The purpose of using our WDX is to provide data aggregation over network protocols (BACnet, MQTT, ... ) provided on a WebSocket-Server interface.

WDX Runtime

const dataPath1 =''; const subscription = EDJS .getDataValue(dataPath1) .subscribe( { next: (data) => { console.log("", data.path, data.value); }, error: (error) => { console.log("getDataValue.error", dataPath1, error); console.error(error); }, completed: () => { console.log("getDataValue.completed"); } } );
const dataPath1 ='';

const subscription = EDJS
            next: (data) => {
                console.log("", data.path, data.value);
            error: (error) => {
                console.log("getDataValue.error", dataPath1, error);
            completed: () => {

WDX Data Layer

WDX data layer

  • with the set button you can change the value, with the get button read the value and with subscribe read the value periodically