Custom Control: Status

The status indicator reflects the state of a variable. It can either have two states (true and false or 0 and 1) or it can have multiple states. As an example, imagine an LED lamp. It has two states, on and off. Another example could be a traffic light that has four states (red, red-orange, green, orange).

Custom Control: Status


Bind types: BOOLEAN and positive whole number (UINT)

SVG Elements

id = "gState_0"

  • Element with this ID will be visible if the value of the corresponding variable is 0 or false

id = "gState_1"

  • Element with this ID will be visible if the value of the corresponding variable is 1 or true

id = "gState_X"

  • Element will be visible if the value of the variable is X (numeric)


The status display changes the visible elements based on the value of the bound variable. The only group with the corresponding value = index is displayed. All others are hidden.