Custom Control: Bargraph Vertical

The Bargraph is a display method that uses a scale for the size of a signal, where the length of a bar changes with the size of the signal.
You can also use the Bargraph to represent, for example, a water tank. The meter can be adapted to any object.

Custom Control: Bargraph Vertical


Binding types: Number (INT, REAL,...)

SVG elements

id = "barPath"

  • Must be a "rect" (SVG) object!
  • barPath defines the boundaries in which the barFill can move
  • It can be used as transparent element (to define only the borders)

id = "thumb"

  • The id "thumb" must be assigned to a group or object
  • This defines the center of the bar chart

id = "barFill"

  • Is the graphical representation of a variable value. It reaches from the minimum defined value to the - current variable value and fills the space between these two points from bottom to top

id = "barBottom"

  • Is only shown when the minimum value is reached


The main elements "thumb" and "barPath" are essential, the element "barFill" and "barBottom" is optional.