Using Controls - Output

The Ouput Control is a vital component to make the page come to life, as the Output converts the bound variable value to into text and displays the value on the page in the frontend. Additionally it can be used to display static text

Insert an output into the editor

To insert an output into the editor, simply click on the icon of the output (1) and it will appear in the container.

Set properties

After that, the most important properties can be set by clicking on the property icon (2).

Add alignment settings to the output

You can add alignment settings (1) to your output.

Add vertical alignment settings to the output

It can be centered not only from the right and left, but also from above and below (2).

Configure output

  1. Set a type of your Output
  2. Write something
  3. If you want a unit type it here
  4. Change the default colours
  5. You can set a border around your output field

Define color

  1. Click here to close the color wheel and transfer your settings

Bind a variable to a connection

  1. Bind a variable to a connection by clicking the connection icon when you want to view data points.