
Insert gauge

  1. Simple gauge with few setting options
  2. Gauge with many setting options for every application
  3. ou can upload your own gauge by following the steps Create custom gauges

Gauge Type 1

Gauge Type 1

  1. Type Full, Type Arch, Type Semi
  2. Insert the smallest number you want
  3. Enter the desired maximum number
  4. You can select a label, e.g. Speed
  5. Choose how thick you want the gauge to be
  6. Select which color you want the indicator to have
  7. Choose a background color for the display
  8. Text behind the captured number
  9. Text before the captured number

Gauge Type 2

Gauge Type 2 settings

  1. Glow, Show Value Box
  2. You can set a title if you like
  3. Set the desired unit
  4. Set a minimum value
  5. And a maximum value
  6. Set the angle you want to start with
  7. And the angle where it should end
  8. Set the most important points by putting a space between them
  9. And choose how many small markers are between the large markers
  10. Stroke Tick On, Stroke Tick Off

Gauge Type 2 settings

  1. You can select a different color for the gauge
  2. Choose a color for the main tick marks
  3. And a color for the submarks
  4. If you have a title, you can set its color here
  5. As well as the color of your unit
  6. You can also choose a color for the numbers
  7. If you want a gradient, you can set different colors for the needle
  8. The final color is the point with which the needle points

Gauge Type 2 settings

  1. You can add a highlight for specific areas of your gauge
  2. Here you can delete them if you no longer need them
  3. Select where you want the highlight area to begin
  4. And where it should end
  5. Then choose a color for this highlighted area

Gauge Type 3

Gauge Type 3 settings

  1. You can set a label
  2. Here you can specify a unit
  3. Insert the smallest number you want
  4. Enter the desired maximum number
  5. Choose the starting angle here are two examples
  6. Determine the end angle

Gauge Type 3 settings